take me in to the land of books.
It's been in your town for a hundred years,
let's give the library three big cheers!hip-hip-hooray!
Garrison Keillor got it right in his Library Cheer*. I'm sure we can all recall our childhood library. Mine was the Hillsdale Public Library, and I remember kneeling down in front of a dim corner shelf to get the next Little House in the series. It was such a thrill when the book I needed was in.
But now, with any and all information immediately available, do we still have something to cheer about in our library?
The answer is a firm, strong, and loud (no shushing here) yes! Please stop back to read about all the new things happening in the East Brook and West Ridge libraries, as well as ideas to help your child make reading memories to savor.
*(Presenting Readers Theater. Caroline Feller Bauer. 1987)